Power Bank Kiubert

The capacities shown in all our external auxiliary batteries are real, all of them incorporating non-recycled, grade A batteries, with a service life of at least 500 charging cycles, and complying with CE regulations. In addition, they are manufactured according RoHS standards, and in compliance with the following safety requirements: Power bank overcharge protection system. Complete discharge protection system, which increases the durability of the power bank. Blocking system to prevent short circuits. Constant charging transfer system, in accordance with the capacity of the target device. 20000 mAh. 2 USB and 1 Type C Outputs. Type C Input. Cable Not Included
Color Quantity
White 500
Black 500
Available in
  • White
  • Black
Product specifications
13.8 cm / 6.8 cm / 2.5 cm | 340 gr
Packaging: high (cm)
Packaging: long (cm)
Packaging: width (cm)
Box weight (Kgr)
Box units
Yes. Powerbank
DIGITAL W1 (-5 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 1x4 cm

DIGITAL W2 (-10 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 2x4 cm

DIGITAL W3 (-25 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 4x5 cm

DIGITAL W4 (-50 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 9x4 cm

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Location: A centering face

Max 2 colors

Max size: 9x4 cm

DIGITAL W1 (-5 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 1x4 cm

DIGITAL W2 (-10 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 2x4 cm

DIGITAL W3 (-25 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 4x5 cm

DIGITAL W4 (-50 cm2)

Location: A centering face

1 color

Max size: 9x4 cm

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View in 360º

Location: A centering face

Max 2 colors

Max size: 9x4 cm

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